Debt Diaries

Debt diaries 012

January 16, 2024

🎂  Age?


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💸  Debt balance?


👂 What will you be sharing?

Spending regret story

📖  What would you like to share?

"Over many years my shopping habits got out of control.

I was emotional shopping away feelings of sadness, loneliness, anxiety and depression. It got to the point where my wardrobes were full to the seams and my credit cards, store cards and loans were at their limits. One week I got a delivery every single day and I wanted to hide from the delivery driver I was so ashamed.

That’s when I decided it had to stop.I decluttered my wardrobe and got honest with my finances. Along with some help with my mental health, things are getting better.

I am slowly paying off my debts and no longer shopping my emotions away."

❓ What happened for you to be in your current debt situation?

"Mental health and lack of financial education."