Debt Diaries

Debt diairies 004

January 16, 2024

🎂  Age?


🌎  Location?


🫥  Source ?


💸  Debt balance?


👂 What will you be sharing?

Spending regret story

📖  What would you like to share?

"I bought a new car on a complete whim.

I took out a loan of £21k to pay for it. I thought a new, flashy car would solve all of my problems. It did the opposite.

I left my job and panicked as to how I was going to pay it each month. I’m back in work and hoping to overpay and clear the balance.

Through this, I understand that ‘stuff’ won’t solve our problems. Being debt free is the goal and I’m working on being content with what I have!"

❓ What happened for you to be in your current debt situation?

"I thought buying a new car would solve my problems."